Thứ Sáu, 5 tháng 8, 2016

Chocolate Eiffel Tower

chocolate eiffel tower ann reardon how to cook that
Everyone dreams of visiting Paris one day, whether to enjoy the cuisine, admire the famous paintings in the Louvre or visit the Eiffel Tower. I was amazed to discover that the Eiffel Tower was meant to be a temporary structure as part of the 1889 World Fair. Of course, not only is it still standing but it’s one of the most recognizable structures in the world. I’m sure Mr Gustave Eiffel must have been delighted when it was left up, especially considering he’d built himself a small apartment near the top. My chocolate Eiffel Tower is most definitely a temporary structure, made entirely of chocolate bars glued together with … more chocolate of course. There’s not much chance of it lasting over 100 years but it might just make it to Bastille Day! And, like Gustave, I think that the creator should reserve the top level just for their own enjoyment.

To make this chocolate Eiffel tower you need:

28 Curly Wurly chocolates (you can get them online here) plus a few extras, in case there are broken ones
2 x 350g blocks of chocolate
700g chocolate for joins
4 x strong chocolate bars for each bottom corner of the legs (I used Boost bars)
chocolate eiffel tower anne reardon
150g grey fondant for the concrete under the tower
210g chocolate
70g or 1/4 cup plus 2 tsp cream
Heat the cream and pour it over the chocolate. Leave to stand for a minute and then stir well. If you still have lumps, microwave for 10 seconds to melt the chocolate.
150g or 2 cups desiccated coconut
1 Tbsp green liquid food colour (or a few drops of green gel colour plus 15g or 1 Tbsp water).
chocolate eiffel tower ann reardon
Copyright 2016How To Cook That

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