Thứ Năm, 25 tháng 8, 2016

Bombe Alaska or Baked Alaska Recipe Flambe Dessert

bombe alaska recipe how to cook that
Can you put ice cream in the oven? You can for this bombe alaska recipe. A centre of soft slow cooked strawberries encased in ice cream, resting on light sponge cake, wrapped in italian meringue and baked in the oven until it is just crisp.
strawberry bombe alaska recipe reardon
This recipe makes 4 individual bombe alaska desserts when using 250millilitre (8.45 fluid ounces) serving dishes to mold the ice-cream

Bombe Alaska Ingredients:

half quantity of the sponge cake recipe baked in lined a tray
250g (8.82 ounces) punnet of strawberries
1/2 teaspoon vanilla essence
1L (0.26 gallons) good quality vanilla ice-cream
1 quantity of italian meringue (see ingredients below)
Optional brandy or spirits to flambe
Italian Meringue Recipe 
3 large eggs, separated
1 cup or 216g (7.62 ounces) caster sugar
1/4 cup or 63mL (2.13 fluid ounces) water
Seperate the eggs, and put into the bowl of an electric mixer.
Put the sugar and the water in a saucepan and bring to the boil. Add a candy thermometer and leave unstirred
Beat egg whites on high speed until you have stiff peaks, turn off.
Once the sugar syrup reaches 238F (114.44 degrees Celsius) remove it from the heat, turn the beaters back on and pour it in a thin stream into the mixing bowl.
Continue to beat until it is cooled.
If using hand mixers put a bowl of iced water underneath the mixing bowl to speed up the cooling process. When it is cool it will be thick, smooth and glossy.
To assemble make bombe alaska follow the instructions in the video below:
bombe alaska flamber how to cook that
Resource: howtocookthat

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