Thứ Bảy, 13 tháng 8, 2016

Valentine’s Day Heart Shaped Chocolate Box

Tomorrow is my wedding anniversary. Seventeen wonderful and happy years. Some of our favourite memories together are the big moments like holding each of our newborn sons for the first time, trips to New York and Italy and big events that my hubby arranged. We also cherish the simple memories, late night walks with our old dog and coffees in Freo.
Whether you are celebrating an anniversary or Valentine’s day here is a unique handmade gift for your loved one. Fill it with lollies, love notes or fruit. Once it is made I suggest you store it in the fridge on a shelf that is too high for toddlers to reach. A cheeky chocolate filled smile is all that is left of this one.
Please, before you begin making your box, read the post on what chocolate to use and tempering chocolate, this will save you the heartache of a carefully constructed box melting before your eyes as soon as you take it out of the fridge.
Happy Valentine’s Day
Resource: howtocookthat

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