Thứ Hai, 29 tháng 8, 2016

Macaron Ice Cream Sandwich Recipe

macaron howtocookthat ann reardonYummm! What more can I say, these were good… make some!
To make the macarons follow the easy macaron recipe and colour however you like.  If you have never made macarons before, make sure you also read the macaron FAQ post first as it will answer lots of your questions.
Cut rectangles out of a firm sheet of plastic and place it on top of a sheet of NON-stick baking paper (needs to be non-stick).  Spread the macaron mixture over the whole sheet, bang on the bench firmly three times on each side.  Then carefully lift off the plastic, leaving rectangles of macaroni mixture on the tray (see video below).  Bake as normal. Allow to cool completely.
Make your chocolate gelato and scoop into a narrow rectangular container.  Place in the freezer to set firm.
Slice the chocolate gelato into rectangles and place between two macarons, serve immediately.
Resource: howtocookthat

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