Thứ Hai, 22 tháng 8, 2016

Chocolate Raspberry Tart Recipe

chocolate tart recipe   
Oh my, this chocolate raspberry tart is beautiful. Both in looks and taste it is, dare I say… perfect. I fed it to unsuspecting guests, some of whom do not usually indulge in desserts and they loved it. I can tell you it realistically serves six people, practically it could serve eight but if you allow a second helping for a couple of people they will not complain.

This week I feel as if my head has been spinning with loose ends. I write things on my to do list and industriously make a phone call or send an email, only to find that instead of crossing them off the outcome is a new complex list of multiple items to do. As I go around in circles with my list growing longer I felt the urgent need to tidy, organize and sort. Things always seem more achievable when the diary contains a neat list rather than scraps of notes floating around the kitchen. This chocolate raspberry tart is neat, tidy, simple and perfect. It adds nothing to my list except to make it again.

Chocolate Raspberry Tart Recipe, serves 6-8

125g (4.41 ounces) or 1/2 cup plus 1 Tbsp unsalted butter
50g (1.76 ounces) or 1/4 cup of caster or superfine sugar
1 egg
1/2 tsp vanilla
200g (7.05 ounces) or 1 1/4 cups plain or all-purpose flour
ceramic baking weights (or you can use rice or dried beans/lentils)
loose based tin – mine is 20cm (7.87 inches)
Preheat the oven to 180C (356 degrees Fahrenheit)
Rub the butter into the flour, keep going until it looks like bread crumbs.
Stir in the sugar.
Lightly whisk your egg and add that too.
Stir until combined then use your fingers to squeeze the mixture together to form a ball.
Place it on some plastic wrap and squash it down. Put more wrap on top and roll it out.
Follow the directions in the video for adding it to the tin.
Line the base with non-stick paper and add ceramic baking weights. Place in the oven until it is lightly brown. Then remove the baking beads and the paper and return it to the oven so that base can crisp up. Once it is golden remove from the oven and leave to cool.
Chocolate Filling
210millilitres (7.1 fluid ounces) or 3/4 cup plus 1½ Tbsp of milk (4% fat)
210g (7.41 ounces) or 1 cup minus 2 Tbsp of cream (35% fat)
85g (3 ounces) or 1/3 cup egg yolks (approx 5)
200g (7.05 ounces) dark chocolate
100g (3.53 ounces) milk chocolate
40g (1.41 ounces) or 3 tablespoons of caster (superfine) sugar
In a saucepan pour in the cream and milk and heat it until it just starts to boil. Using a fork to whisk in the egg yolk and sugar mixture and keep stirring. This will be ready almost immediately. Remove from the heat.
Pour through a fine sieve onto the chocolate. Leave to sit for 2 minutes.
Stir the chocolate cream mixture, the hot liquid will have melted the chocolate. Keep stirring until it is all combined and smooth.
Pour it into the pastry case until it is brimming. Gently tap to bring any air bubbles to the surface. Then place in the fridge to set.
chocolate tart recipe ann reardon
To decorate
250g (8.82 ounces) or approx 1 2/3 cup fresh raspberries
150g (5.29 ounces) dark chocolate, tempered
Once the tart is firm add raspberries to the top starting at the outside and working your way to the middle. Arrange the chocolate swirls to the top poking one end into the tart (see the video for demonstration on making the swirls).
chocolate pie recipe ann reardon

Resource: howtocookthat

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