Thứ Tư, 24 tháng 8, 2016

How To Make Chocolate Candles

chocolate candle recipe howtocookthat
Dazzle your guest with chocolate candles filled with white chocolate mousse.  They look complicated but they are surprisingly easy to make. You can have a bit of fun serving empty plates and then candles as the centre piece.
This morning I had a film shoot as a guest on a TV show, which was great fun.  A well organized producer made the day run smoothly.  The only downside of filming at home is the house has to be spotless.  Which every mum will know is a big achievement in the school holidays.
I’ll let you know on social media when the show will be on TV.
For the candles:
200g (7.05 ounces) quality white chocolate
My candles were 6cm (2.36 inches) tall x 5cm (1.97 inches) in diameter and used 200g (7.05 ounces) of chocolate to make 4 of them.  White chocolate is the hardest to temper so make sure you use good quality white chocolate that feels crisp and is shiny, look for a high percentage of cocoa butter 30% or more is good.

White Chocolate Mousse Recipe

This recipe makes 3 cups or 750millilitres (25.36 fluid ounces) of mousse which is enough to fill six candles in the size that I made.
If you want to calculate the volume of your candles measure the heigh and radius (half of the diameter) and use the calculator below.
When you get your answer 1 cubic unit = 1 millilitres (0.03 fluid ounces)
90millilitres (3.04 fluid ounces) cream (35% fat)
210g (7.41 ounces) white chocolate
50g (1.76 ounces) or 1/4 cup less 1 Tbsp water
75g (2.65 ounces) or 1/3 cup castor (super fine) sugar
65g (2.29 ounces) or 4 egg yolks
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
additional 310millilitres (10.48 fluid ounces) cream, whipped to soft peaks
Mix the cream and white chocolate to form a ganache, leave to cool
Heat the sugar and water to 238F (114.44 degrees Celsius) and whip into the egg yolks, continue to whip until cooled and thick.
Mix in the ganache.
Fold in the whipped cream.
Pour into the candles
Refrigerate overnight.

edible chocolate candles how to cook that
Resource: howtocookthat

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