Chủ Nhật, 14 tháng 8, 2016

How to Make a Chocolate Box

Chocolate boxes can be used as gifts filled with strawberries or sweet treets like chocolate truffles or fudge.

Chocolate Box Instructions

Step 1. Cut out the sides and lid of your box out of plastic. The plastic needs tube thin but firm enough that it can be lifted with chocoalte on it and still hold its shape. You could use overhead projection sheets, the plastic off a document folder or something similar.
chocolate box template
Step 2. Melt your chocolate – making sure you keep it in temper
Step 3. Place some baking paper on the benchtop and put the plastic shapes on top. Spread the chocolate over the plastic sheets completely covering them and off the edges.
Step 4. Leave for a moment and then lift and move to a clean location on the baking paper. Running your fingers along the edges to remove any excess.
Step 5. Leave to cool and firm. Spread more chocolate on the baking paper in a patch a little larger than your base. Take two edges, peel the plastic off them and dip one end of one in chocolate and put in place. Repeat with the remaining two edges. Let the base chocolate firm a little and then run a knife around the base of the edges. Allow to set hard.
Step 6. Store in the refrigerator until ready to serve.
To make a box out of chocolate you will need to use either tempered chocolate or ‘fake’ chocolate or it will melt at room temperature. If you go to the how to temper chocolate post it will explain all of that for you.
Resource: howtocookthat

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