Thứ Tư, 17 tháng 8, 2016

White Chocolate Ball Dessert

white chocolate ball dessert
This white chocolate ball dessert is a yummy version of my chocolate peanut bomb from a couple of years ago only this time, there’s a special surprise inside too. You can prepare this dessert a day ahead and store in the fridge until you are ready to serve. Heat the sauce, pour it on and watch the magic happen.

To make this white chocolate ball dessert you will need:

(Makes 6 desserts)
Chantilly cream 
white chocolate ball dessert ann reardon
50millilitres (1.69 fluid ounces) or 3 Tbsp plus 1 tsp cream (35% fat)
25g (0.88 ounces) white chocolate
1/2 Tablespoon sugar
55millilitres (1.86 fluid ounces) or 3 Tbsp plus 2 tsp cream (35% fat)
Vanilla essence to taste
Add the sugar to the cream and heat over high heat until the sugar is dissolved and the cream just starts to boil.
Pour the hot cream over the chocolate, leave it for a moment to melt and then stir it together until there are no more lumps. Mix together with the remaining cream and some vanilla essence to taste. Chill in the freezer for an hour to two while you make the other components. Or you can leave it in the fridge overnight.
Once chilled, whip it using electric beaters until you get firm peaks – this will take about 4 minutes. Place in a piping bag fitted with a star tip.
Fruit (this is actually more fruit than you need but it was the minimum quantity I could buy … good for snacking)
white chocolate sphere dessert ann reardon
250g (8.82 ounces) strawberries
125g (4.41 ounces) raspberries
125g (4.41 ounces) blueberries
Almond Crunch (makes more than enough for 12 desserts but it is difficult to work with less)
120g (4.23 ounces) or 1/2 cup plus 1 Tbsp sugar
40g (1.41 ounces) or 2 Tbsp plus 2 tsp water
20g (0.71 ounces) or 1 Tbsp glucose syrup
1/16th teaspoon cream of tartar / tartaric acid.
100g (3.53 ounces) or approx 1 cup slivered almonds
Place the sugar and the water into a pan with the glucose syrup and heat over high heat. Wash down the sides of the pan with a wet pastry brush.
Spread the almonds out on some non-stick baking paper so they are ready to be coated.
When your sugar starts to go golden or reaches 150C (302 degrees Fahrenheit) add the cream of tartar and stir well. Remove from the heat and pour over your almonds.
Stir around to ensure all the almonds are coated. Once cooled, break into smaller shards using a rolling pin. Store in an airtight container until you are ready to use.
White chocolate balls
200g (7.05 ounces) white chocolate.
If your chocolate contains cocoa butter you will need to temper it, if it contains vegetable oil it is compound chocolate and you can simply melt it in the microwave 30 seconds stir, 20 seconds stir, 20 seconds stir, 10 seconds stir, repeat the 10 seconds until melted.
Pour some white chocolate into each of the molds and spread it up the sides. Tip it upside down over some baking paper to pour out the excess so that you’re left with a thin coating. Neaten up around the tops and leave upside down to set.
Chocolate Sauce 
chocolate sauce recipe ann reardon
120millilitres (4.06 fluid ounces) or 1/2 cup cream (35% fat)
120g (4.23 ounces) chocolate, I used a mixture of milk and dark
Pour the cream over chocolate and microwave in 30 second bursts stirring each time until there are no lumps of chocolate and you have a smooth sauce.
white chocolate ball sphere dessert
And for the romantics out there, if you’d like to hide a ring inside the dessert then cut long strips of strawberry and position them in a circle so they cover the ring. This way the chocolate sauce will drop onto the strawberries, not the ring. As the chocolate base melts, it will open up and reveal the big surprise.

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