Thứ Ba, 23 tháng 8, 2016

Tasting Korean Sweets for the first time

I’ve just come back from a little whirlwind adventure in Korea. I was lucky enough to be flown over for a YouTube event as well as doing some interviews with newspapers and a TV station. I also met up with fellow YouTubers Simon and Martina, a Canadian couple who moved to Korea 7 years ago. Their channel is called ‘Eat Your Kimchi‘ (a type of Korean vegetable dish) which despite the name, isn’t actually a cooking channel but lots of funny vlogs about Korean culture, food, k-pop and crazy things they found in local stores. They were such a lovely couple to spend the day with, especially as they took great joy in serving me weird and wonderful Korean sweets which you can see in the video below.
how to cook that ann reardon
Below: Amazing gifts from some of my Korean Subscribers – thank you  감사합니다
how to cook that
As a mum, the best part of traveling is the hugs at the airport you get from your kids and husband when you get back. Listening to their overlapping voices as they all try and update you on their latest escapades at the same time. I’m home.
Resource: howtocookthat

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