Thứ Bảy, 20 tháng 8, 2016

Extravagant Thanksgiving Dessert Recipe

macaron tart recipe How To Cook That

I am in the USA for a couple of weeks so I just had to make something for Thanksgiving. I searched online and it seems that pecan or apple pies are the traditional choice but as I’m from Australia let’s break tradition and go with something a little more extravagant. Hopefully my US friends will love it.
If you are not quite up to the challenge just pick one element of this such as the mousse or macarons and make that instead.


Thanksgiving dessert recipe

Orange Crème Brulee Recipe 
creme brulee recipe how to cook that
Makes enough for three small brulee, you can make a lesser quantity or make extra and freeze.
3 cups or 714g (25.19 ounces) cream
1/2 cup or 108g (3.81 ounces) sugar
rind of one orange grated
7 egg yolks or 105g (3.7 ounces)
Preheat oven to 150C (302 degrees Fahrenheit).
Bring the cream, sugar and rind to the boil in a pan. Take off the heat and let the flavour infuse for 15 minutes. Pour through a strainer. Whisk egg yolks, slowly add the cream mixture, whisking continuously.
Pour into a dish that is ovenproof and the desired shape for the dessert. Place the bowl into a large oven dish and place in oven. Add water to the outside dish ensuring that the water comes up the outside of the bowl to at least the same level as the brulee is on the inside. Be careful not to get water int he brulee. If you do not add the water the brulee will overheat and split so you’ll end up with little lumps like scrambled egg floating through it.
Bake for approx 25 minutes – depending on the size of your bowl or until it is set but still jiggly in the middle. Remove from oven and allow to cool completely then cover with plastic wrap and freeze.
Pastry shell 
125g (4.41 ounces) or 1/2 cup plus 1 Tbsp unsalted butter
50g (1.76 ounces) or 1/4 cup of caster or superfine sugar
1 egg
1/2 tsp vanilla
200g (7.05 ounces) or 1 1/4 cups plain or all-purpose flour
ceramic baking weights (or you can use rice or dried beans /lentils)
loose based tin – mine is 20cm (7.87 inches)
Preheat the oven to 180C (356 degrees Fahrenheit)
Rub the butter into the flour, keep going until it looks like bread crumbs.
Stir in the sugar. Add the eggs and stir until combined then use your fingers to squeeze the mixture together to form a ball.
Roll it out between two sheets of plastic wrap. Place over base of loose based tin lined with a circle of baking paper. Cut a strip using pizza cutter and ruler for edge and add to the tin. Line the base and sides with non-stick paper and add ceramic baking weights. Place in the oven until it is lightly brown. Then remove the baking beads and the paper and return it to the oven so that base can crisp up. Once it is golden remove from the oven and leave to cool.
Raspberry Glaze Recipe
Raspberry Glaze Recipe Ann Reardon
This makes much more than you will need, glaze freezes really well so put the extra in a plastic bag in the freezer until you are ready to use it. Or halve the recipe.
2 tsp or 10g (0.35 ounces) gelatine powder
150millilitres (5.07 fluid ounces) or 1/2 cup plus 1 Tbsp and 2 tsp raspberry puree
25g (0.88 ounces) or 1/4 cup cornflour (cornstarch)
30g (1.06 ounces) or 1 Tbsp and 1 tsp glucose syrup
60millilitres (2.03 fluid ounces) or 1/4 cup water
280g (9.88 ounces) or 1 1/4 cups plus 2 tsp sugar
350g (12.35 ounces) or 1 ½ cups cream (35% fat)
230g (8.11 ounces) white chocolate
red colouring
Add 3 tablespoons of puree to the gelatine and another three tablespoons of puree to the cornflour.
Heat glucose syrup, sugar and ¼ cup water until sugar is dissolved. Mix in the cream, bring to the boil, add cornflour mixture and boil to thicken. Take off heat. Add gelatin and stir until dissolved. For a bright red glaze add some red colouring. Pour mixture through sieve onto the white chocolate, wait a minute, then mix well. Cool to room temp.
Chocolate Mousse Recipe
chocolate mousse dessert recipe ann reardon
Again I am making more than needed here. Why not! This way you can make a whole extra dessert and keep it in the freezer. Seriously this is enough for three tarts, or one tart and a nice bowl of mousse.
6g (0.21 ounces) gelatine powder
500millilitres (16.91 fluid ounces) or 2 cups plus 1 Tbsp and 2 tsp cream
160g (5.64 ounces) or 2/3 cup milk (4% fat)
16g (0.56 ounces) or 1 Tbsp and 1 tsp sugar
40g (1.41 ounces) or 3 egg yolks
300g (10.58 ounces) chocolate
Bloom the gelatin in 40millilitres (1.35 fluid ounces) of the cream
Whip the rest of the cream to soft peaks set aside. Combine milk, sugar and egg yolks and cook to 186C (366.8 degrees Fahrenheit).
Pour over chocolate, wait a couple of minutes, then mix well.
Cool to room temperature (do not put into the fridge or it will set). Fold in the cream and pour into the pastry shell. Place in the fridge to set.
Macaron filling recipe
300g (10.58 ounces) milk chocolate
100millilitres (3.38 fluid ounces) or or 1/3 cup plus 1 Tbsp passion fruit syrup without seeds
Heat the syrup and then pour over the chocolate. Wait a minute and then stir to combine. Place flat in a plastic bag in the fridge to cool quickly.
Macaron Recipe
how to cook that perfect macarons
2.5cm (0.98 inches) template or
3cm_macaron_template, note they will bake slightly bigger than you pipe them.
220g (7.76 ounces) or 1 3/4 cup icing sugar (powdered sugar)
120g (4.23 ounces) or 1 cup plus 1 Tbsp almond meal
120g (4.23 ounces) or 4 egg whites
80g (2.82 ounces) or 1/3 cup plus 2 tsp caster sugar
10g (0.35 ounces) raw sugar (optional, for sprinkling on top)
1 tsp powdered colour (optional) note liquid colour kills macarons
Preheat the oven to 150C (302 degrees Fahrenheit)
If you have never made macarons before please watch the troubleshooting q&a video first.
Sift together the icing sugar and almond meal using a coarse sieve. Discard any gritty bits of almond meal that do not go through.
Beat together the egg whites and caster sugar on high speed until they are stiff enough that you can turn the bowl upside down without them falling out. Add the colour and beat for an additional 2 minutes to dry the egg whites. Add the almond icing sugar mixture and fold in using a rubber spatula. Keep gently folding until the mixture looks like lava, it should have some movement but not be runny. While you are folding periodically scrape down the sides of the bowl and the spatula to make sure everything is mixed uniformly.
Spoon into a piping bag and pipe small circles of mixture onto NON-STICK baking paper. Slide onto a baking tray and bang on the bench firmly several times on each side.
Assemble Dessert
100g (3.53 ounces) milk chocolate, melted
passionfruit meringue recipe how to cook that
Using a spoon add a thin coat of chocolate to the pastry shell. This creates a barrier from the filling so the shell stays crisp. Fill the pastry case with mousse and let it set in the fridge.
Pipe filling into your macarons and let them firm up in the fridge
Glaze the brulee and add to centre of mousse.
Add macarons around the outside of the dessert.
macaron tart recipe entremet Ann Reardon

Resource: howtocookthat

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