Thứ Sáu, 5 tháng 8, 2016

5 Amazing Easter Eggs to make at home

make easter eggs at home
I’m sure everyone has tasted cheap Easter eggs. You know the ones … very sweet but not particularly chocolatey and after you swallow, it feels like there’s a layer of grease on the roof of your mouth. So here’s the secret to great-tasting eggs … use real chocolate. Today I’ll show you how to make truly beautiful Easter eggs by following the steps in the video below.

To make your own chocolate easter eggs at home you will need:

1 easter egg mold
Chocolate, if you don’t want that greasy mouth feel buy real chocolate that contains cocoa butter and temper it
white chocolate
oil based candy coloring (optional)
1. Spotty egg with m&m’s inside
spotty easter egg ann reardon how to cook that
Circle template for the dotty egg download pdf
Candy food coloring (this needs to be oil based coloring so it doesn’t seize the chocolate)
2. Easter Egg with nest inside
easter egg with nest ann reardon
White and dark chocolate
3 mini eggs (you can make these if you have a mini egg mold)
pashmak, persian fairy floss
3. The Golden Egg, filled with honeycomb
golden easter egg with honey comb
Milk or dark chocolate
edible gold luster dust
4. Nutella Easter Egg
nutella easter egg ann reardon
White and milk chocolate
5. Fanta Egg
fanta egg how to cook that
White chocolate
popping sugar
orange candy colour
orange flavored candy

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