Chủ Nhật, 14 tháng 8, 2016

Chocolate Decorations using Transfer Sheets

Chocolate transfer sheets allow you to add flair to your desserts. With plenty of patterns to choose from you are bound to find something that suits your style or event. The pattern is made out of coloured cocoa butter on an acetate sheet. When you apply the melted chocolate the cocoa butter melts and sticks to the chocolate.The mistake most people make when they get chocolate transfer sheets is that they do not plan out what to do with them.   If you use too much or too many designs on the one dessert it goes from looking classy to unstylish very quickly.  You can purchase chocolate transfer sheets from a range of stores. I bought these ones on ebay fairly cheaply.

Here are a few examples of how to use transfer sheets to make your chocolate decorations look beautiful.

1. Chocolate Collar or Cuff chocolate decorations ann reardon how to cook that
Here the design is used just on the bottom half of the cuff.  Because it is a strong design it would look overpowering if it was over the whole side.
Below is a chocolate cuff with a design on both sides of the chocolate.  If you want to fill your collar with mousse or something liquid you will need to make circle base and place your collar onto it.
2. Squares of Chocolate  
My personal favourite is to use squares of patterned chocolate around the dessert, and then top with a plain curl.chocolate decorations ann reardon how to cook that

3. Stripe
Just a tiny strip of patterned chocolate takes this dessert to the next level.  It is served with slow cooked vanilla strawberries.  To make these clean, hull and halve your strawberries then place in a ziplock bag with vanilla essence and about 1 Tablespoon of sugar.  Bring a pan of water to the boil then switch the heat to the lowest setting.   With the ziploc bag almost sealed push the base under the water, this forces the rest of the air out of the bag.  Close off the top and rest a wooden spoon over the bag so that it sits just under the water but not touching the base of the pan.  Leave for approx 15-20 minutes until strawberries are softened and a juice has formed from the vanilla and sugar.
chocolate decorations how to cook that ann reardon
You may also like this earlier post on other types of chocolate decorations.
If you are not sure what type of chocolate to use the video below is for you…
Resource: howtocookthat

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