Thứ Năm, 11 tháng 8, 2016

Chocolate Paper and Pencils eat your own artwork

chocolate dessert paper and pencil fun
 A perfect dessert for a creative evening. The paper and pencils are all made from chocolate and there is a candle to melt the pencil so you can draw to your hearts content.  Add a mini piping bag of ganache and watch your friends blank pages turn into works of art.  Snap some pics and then eat your artwork.

To make chocolate pencils and paper you will need:

375g (13.23 ounces) White Compound Chocolate
375g (13.23 ounces) dark or milk compound chocolate for the pencils.
Compound chocolate contains vegetable oil instead of cocoa butter and has a higher melting point so it wont melt on your hands.
Unused sharpeners (not really required just for presentation)
Non-stick baking paper
Cheap plastic drinking straws (don’t buy good quality ones)
Tiles or flat plates for serving
Optional – ganache and mini piping bags
For how to make chocolate paper and pencils watch the video below:
chocolate pencils
Resource: howtocookthat

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